Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sluts Emails On Msn Messenge Do You Think I'm A Bad Kid?

Do You Think I'm A Bad Kid? - sluts emails on msn messenge

2 times I was drunk and sleep around.Im than 12 years and I have no possibility for change, but think I'm wrong? Do not think I do not have a disease and a secure instant messaging pregnant.Call 'm a whore me my e-mail whatsoever, but simply want to know whether u believe in the bathroom.


Rose said...

I feel bad 4 u sweety

Amelia said...

Yes, I think it is an attention seeking whore, now. However ... only 12 and can be changed TSD say u dont have the ability to change, because to do. You say you have a very good life, before someone you love or want to be, to govern. as a good man, how you make it right RNT. a good group of friends who do not pretend to people that you know and talk to someone. be brave. In Terisa not trying to be a mother, but my closest friends have looked destroyed their lives through alcohol and sleeping area. This is not cool. my friend has a child and she was 14 years old at the time. do u really want people to call U bitch and judge before you know immediately as I do. Please be kind to yourselfboth ends. There's always time for a change. Please contact me if you want, you can go into details, but if they do not sell, and you need yoursellf order because TSD or a bad person.
Good luck.

Yeti said...

People tend to really bad question, even if they are "bad". It is unlikely that you are a bad child or a person.

Sounds like you take care of them around more and better choices. And may change with certainty - in fact, is to change one of the few things that is safe, no matter what. Probably not as powerless, and the things you think you have to change now. (Alcohol may, among other things. Please drink a little, and you may be surprised in hindsight, to recognize what he has done for you.)

Maryn said...

I think a girl is drunk by the age of twelve, and for about a problem and has serious problems with self-esteem.

"Bad" is just a label. There is never a situation on a beat to it.

What might help is what it is about you that is so sad that we are their feelings about alcohol, or seek approval of the boys who have sex with them must be clear.

Mighty Mac said...

I think not so bad, but he did bad things you will regret for years, if have not already done so, and as you know, what do not you do, leave now.

If you really believe that they have the opportunity in change, then yes, they are bad. I do not think so, otherwise I'd would not ask this question.

that begin as an interpolation of 12 years instead of a high school degenerate act.

Rose said...

Sorry, but this is wrong, they're like 12 Why did you do it? If you drink and 12, you can report to the police, you know, it is illegal to drink until they are older than 21 years. Get right to go, I do not care is why you should not do! Your 12 a child. (and you can do it is your choice for someone else!) (You can change if you could take the challenge)

rhianna (: said...

I'm fourteen, and I understand how you feel. mainly because of peer pressure, and if my friends drink, I feel like I want. This is not a bad person because of this you can do now, you want to change, but should not you put your car because of it. take care and to children, many of them use you, and you can create a bad name for itself (: x

Laura Beth said...

Well, this is a 12-bit young to have sex. If you are careful, you should be good. But most do not go away, because you're 12th It would be wise to have a monogamous relationship with a man. You should come to Planned Parenthood. Alcohol can inhibit their growth. You probably have to contribute something to their parents. You should always take responsibility for their actions though. They are not bad.

Matthew C said...

I would say yes, you are 12 years and we have a drink! and for all, it's crazy, I never drink on occasion, such as sleep, I find nothing to describe it. I would say in general needs to change, I do not have much going, I "think" a bit boring and im 13

albarosa said...

Not bad, but make some bad decisions ... Why do you have no chance to change it? change all the time ... You increase your chances of contracting a disease or pregnant big time for what you really are? better to talk about the problem instead of acting out .. You can who want to be.

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