Are there any effects of changing pill? (microgynon to Yasmin)? - microgynon and acne
I just Microgynon Yasmin for acne because ... I wonder if anyone else has done the same, and if they made changes ..
I wonder about the negative side effects, but please focus on the positive, that I said, there are more problems:)
Thank you in advance.
in taking Yasmin and it was great for my PMT / PMS! I was definitely clear spots and when I changed the pill ... but my libido has definietly or changed that, because my friend is a loser sometimes abit! HUN goodluck. Hopefully.
I switched from Yasmin to Microgynon few years ago and lost weight, was less emotional, and generally feel better about myself. I think I'm better now than libido. Deffo would recommend it! :-)
Yasmine took more than three years. When you quit smoking, said the people around me, I found something more positive, balanced and happy, what shocked me. I gained a little weight - but the real reason why I stopped, I did not like my BF and long term. What is better to be safe and not sex or use condoms and have a healthy sex life? .. try this link very informative and you should calm down.
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